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Here we answer frequently asked questions. If you could not find the answer to your question on this page then please contact us at the following email address:

What is the purpose of ISKCON Connection?

ISKCON Connection is a service to all of ISKCON’s members worldwide. Through regular communications ISKCON Connection is dedicated to enlivening and informing all ISKCON members through an email newsletter and social media.

Why was ISKCON Connection established and by whom?

The ISKCON GBC recognized the need to connect, inform and enliven ISKCON’s worldwide spiritual family of devotees, friends and well-wishers. The first step was to clarify the criteria for being a general member of ISKCON with the following resolution:

GBC Resolution 2014:

Whoever, regardless of gender, race, nationality, religion, etc., subscribes to the following statement, shall be considered a General Member of ISKCON:

I wish to be counted as part of the spiritual family of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), and I will practically support its mission. I accept the teachings of Lord Krishna as presented by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of ISKCON. While I understand that this general membership does not confer upon me any rights in ISKCON organizations, I am grateful to participate in this spiritual movement intended for the upliftment of the entire human society.

The GBC’s Organisational Development Committee (ODC) of the Strategic Planning Network then put the intent of this resolution into practical application by establishing ISKCON Connection. ISKCON Connection is now managed by an international team of devotees, financed by the GBC and by private donations.

If I don’t sign up with ISKCON Connection, am I not a member of ISKCON?

Not at all. If you meet the criteria of a general ISKCON member but are either unable or unwilling to register with ISKCON Connection, this does not mean that you are not a valued member of ISKCON! Still we do hope you will take advantage of this service and enhance our ability to serve you with communications.

I am already registered as an ISKCON member through my local ISKCON organization (Life Patron Member, Namahatta, Bhakti Vriksha, etc.). Do I still need to register with ISKCON Connection?

Yes. ISKCON Connection is a separate system of registration and does not replace or duplicate these long-standing membership programs in any way. Our goals and services are unique and international in scope. We recognize that most people join ISKCON through a local ISKCON center. Our aim is to strengthen your connection to ISKCON’s international spiritual family.

What are the benefits of registering with ISKCON Connection?

Please see our section 'Benefits' on this site.

How will ISKCON Connection benefit local ISKCON Organizations?

ISKCON Connection helps bring all ISKCON members together, which strengthens their service to ISKCON. As members world-wide will feel more connected, inspired and enthused in service and in their allegiance to Srila Prabhupada as part of his global family. They will be more informed and inspired about the amazing scope and diversity of ISKCON world-wide. In addition, ISKCON members registering with ISKCON Connection will be asked to opt-in to receiving news and information from ISKCON centers in their locality. Regional temples and zones are encouraged to forward announcements of local events and other local news to ISKCON Connection. We will forward these communications to the registered members in their respective areas.

Aside from the newsletter subscription, will my registration information be used in any other way?

The only other use of your data will be for statistics and for a special offering to Srila Prabhupada in the TOVP in Sri Mayapur. These statistics on membership numbers will be shared with ISKCON centers, but not your personal data. Regional member data statistics are very helpful when dealing with governments, in promotional endeavours and for future planning. In the future ISKCON Connection will do voluntary surveys of our membership. Our goals: - To enhance strategic planning in devotee and community care as ISKCON continues to grow. - To identify individual skills and service aspirations of our Members. Working with local temples and zones, we aspire to engage many members in service both locally and internationally.

How do I unregister from ISKCON Connection communications?

Each newsletter will have an unsubscribe link, or you can simply email to

How do I change my email address or other personal information, including locality?

We are working on an automated system for you to edit your personal info. But for the time being please write to and we will update the database.

How do I give feedback or address issues with ISKCON Connection?

ISKCON Connection is created to take care of all of our members and to enhance global unity and world-wide connectivity. If you have any suggestions, questions or complaints please write to us: Your valued feedback and opinions are very important. Let us know how we can serve you better.

Can people under 18 years sign up?

Yes, there is no age limit.

Can I receive the newsletter at multiple email addresses?

Yes, write us an email and at:

What will you do with my private contact information?

ISKCON Connection will use the contact information you provide solely to communicate, inform and enliven all who sign up through a weekly newsletter and social media. Your email address and personal details will remain strictly confidential and will never be sold or loaned to any third party. You may unsubscribe quickly and simply at any time. [Registered at the CNIL under the reference number 1874355. According to the law « Informatique et liberté » n° 78-17 of the 6th January 1978 regarding computers, files and freedoms; you have the right to access, modify, correct and remove any personal data that you have might provide us.]

Is my contact information secure? How?

Yes. The contact information submitted for ISKCON Connection will be kept private and confidential. We are using a very secure, technically sophisticated and highly trusted database system.

Can I share the content of the newsletter or is it copyright material?

As long as you share the entire newsletter, it is alright. For copying and pasting you need to give the source.

Is it okay to forward the newsletter to my friends?

Yes, please spread the word!

How can I support ISKCON Connection with a donation?

Of course every program of this size requires funding. Donations are gratefully received.

What is the frequency of this email newsletter?

It is a weekly newsletter.

Is it possible to receive your newsletter without being a member of ISKCON?

Not for the moment, but plans are there to give such facility.

What to do if I stop receiving the newsletter?

Write us an email at

When do I start receiving the newsletter after I subscribe?

Within a week.

What to do if I change my email address?

Write us an email at: